Useful Information
11:30 a.m.
Team arrival, registration and photo session
12:30 p.m.
Welcoming remarks
12:45 p.m.
Race instructions
1:00 p.m.
Start of the race at the skating rink
2:30 p.m.
End of the race and refreshments
2:45 p.m.
Closing ceremonies
3:00 p.m.
Close of auction
4:00 p.m.
End of the event
Team Categories
Teams will be made up of four participants: a skater, a cross-country skier, a runner and a team leader.
The team leaders do not participate in the race but they are involved in their team’s Fundraising Challenge. They will be present the day of the event to cheer on their teammates and to count the laps completed by their team skater.
There are two categories available to you:
For more serious athletes, the Competitive category is recommended as it provides longer distances and qualifies you for speed-based prizes.
The Participative category allows you to participate in the Triathlon, but with shorter distances. More details below.
1- Competitive* – Regular:
- Skating: 4.7 km (10 laps)
- Cross-country skiing: 8.1 km (skating style) or 5.4 km (classic style)
- Running: 6 km (2 laps)
* Categories eligible for speed-based prizes: Women, Men or Mixed.
2- Participative** – Condensed:
- Skating: 3.7 km (8 laps)
- Cross-country skiing: 8.1 km (skating style) or 5.4 km (classic style)
- Running: 3 km (1 lap)
** Not eligible for speed-based prizes.
Events and Transitions Procedures
Approximate distances:
Competitive Category: 4.7 km (10 laps)
Participative Category: 3.7 km (8 laps)
- This leg of the event will take place on the skating rink behind of the Parc Maisonneuve chalet.
- At the starting line, it is recommended that you take a position that corresponds to your skating level ability.
- During the race, keep your head up and stay to the right at all times.
- Passing is allowed on the left only. Do everything you can to avoid colliding with other racers and skaters.
- If you fall during the race, curl your body to protect yourself. Get up carefully, remembering there will be other skaters all around you, and rejoin the race.
- If you see someone fall, call out “ATTENTION, CHUTE!” or “SKATER DOWN!” to warn others.
- There will be no water stations outside of the chalet. We recommend that skaters hydrate properly before starting.
N.B.: The skating rink is open to the public. Although we do not expect a large number of non-competitors on the ice, please be mindful of people who are not involved in the Triathlon.
Transition – Skater/skier
- After completing their laps, skaters go to the skate/ski transition zone near the skating rink.
- Skiers will wait in the skate/ski transition zone with their cross-country boots on.
- Skiers will remove the belt containing the timing chip from around their skater’s waist and strap it around their waist.
- Skiers will walk over the recording mat to enter their skater’s time and then get their poles and skis and proceed to the cross-country ski trail.
Approximate distances:
Classic style: 5.4 km (2 laps) – Orange track
Skating style : 8.1 km (3 laps) – Green track
- During this leg, skiers must follow the designated trails and markers in the Parc Maisonneuve.
- If you pass a skier, do so on the left and call out “DÉPASSEMENT À GAUCHE!” or “TRACK!” The skier ahead of you must yield by moving to the right.
- There will be no water stations outside of the chalet. We recommend that skiers hydrate properly before starting and wear a water belt or pack.
Transition – Skier/runner
- After completing their event, cross-country skiers go to the ski/run transition zone near the end of the ski trail.
- Runners will wait in the ski/run transition zone, until their skiing partner arrives.
- Runners will remove the belt containing the timing chip from around their skier’s waist and strap it around their waist.
- Runners will start running, making sure to cross the recording mat to enter their skier’s time.
- Runners will follow the designated course, do their laps and cross the finish line, where their final time will be recorded by the recording mat.
N.B.: There are ski racks near the start of the ski trail, where participants can leave their equipment during the skating and running part of the relay.
Approximate distances:
Competitive Category : 6 km (2 laps)
Participative Category : 3 km (1 laps)
- During this leg, runners must follow the signs and directions given by the volunteers in the Parc Maisonneuve.
- Given the time of year, there is a strong chance of snow or ice on the course. Please wear the appropriate running shoes and crampons, if possible.
- There will be no water stations outside the chalet. We recommend that runners hydrate properly before starting and wear a water belt or pack.
- The race is over when the runners come to the finish line and cross the last recording mat.